Holy Week 2020
We are living in strange times and as we approach Holy Week it seems so disorienting that we will not be gathering together as the people of God in our place of worship. But take heart, the building is not the church, we are the church where ever we are. So, although we may be in different places, we will still be church.
Each Holy Week we walk with Jesus in his final week on his earthly journey. We begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. On Thursday we celebrate Maundy Thursday where the Holy Eucharist is instituted and we receive the commandment to “Love one another as Jesus has loved us.” We also celebrate Jesus’ servanthood when he washes the feet of his disciples. Good Friday Jesus makes the ultimate sacrifice and is crucified. Holy Saturday he spends the day in the tomb and on Easter Sunday, he is raised victorious from the tomb. Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed.
In our efforts to keep us connected, we will share the link with you for the services from Trinity Wall Street on our website and Facebook page. On Thursday, we will participate with Bethany Presbyterian and Newman Methodist in the Service of Light Tenebrae. On Good Friday, we will have our Good Friday service from the BCP on the website and Facebook page, we will participate in a virtual Easter Vigil with other churches in the diocese and on Easter, we will have a recorded service from St. Luke’s.
We are a people of the resurrection so let us welcome our resurrected Lord on Easter Day and continue to hold onto the faith and hope that he brings to us on Easter Day.
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia, Alleluia