Order of Worship for 3/22/2020

Dear St. Luke’s Family:

As we approach the fourth Sunday in Lent and our first Sunday apart, we face many challenges as the People of God. But we take heart, because we have been challenged in the past and we will be in the future but we know this and so we do not lose hope. Despite our physical separation, we still remain the church, for we are the Church, not the building. Together we will find new ways to reach out to one another; to share the message of the love and mercy of God to our community of Grants Pass; and to share in the prayer and worship we treasure as the Episcopal Branch of the Vineyard of Jesus Christ.

As a first step in this process, we offer you the service of Morning Prayer. We are not up to Live stream yet, so a video will be posted on our website and Facebook page for you. You do not need to have a Facebook account to reach our page. Just Google the page. Facebook will ask you a couple times if you want to set up an account. Just say no and continue to the page and look under Videos. However, it may be easier for you to go to our website and you will find the Service on the front page.

Let us worship the Lord in Spirit and truth. We will continue to love, learn and grow as we move toward Easter. Be careful and be safe.

God bless you,

Rev. Ernestein+


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

Morning Prayer Fourth Sunday of Lent

Officiant and Homilist

The Rev. Ernestein C. Flemister

Morning Prayer I                    Pg. 38               (All is taken from the BCP.)

The Confession:                     Pg.  41

The Venite:                             Pg. 4

Invitatory:                               Pg.  42 – 43

Psalm for the Day

Psalm 23                                 Pg. 476

Canticle I:  #9

The First Song of Isaiah:        Pg.  86

First Lesson:   I Samuel 16:1-13

Canticle II:  #14

A Song of Penitence:              Pg.  90

Second Lesson:  Ephesians 5:8-14


The Apostles’ Creed:             Pg.  53

The Prayers:                           Pg.  54

The Suffrages:  A                   Pg.  55

The Collects:                          Pg.  56

The General Thanksgiving:    Pg.  58

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom:   Pg.  59

The Closing:                             Pg. 60