Information Regarding St. Luke’s Re-opening

For information about the live streaming of this service click here

Dear St. Luke’s Family– The Diocese approved our re-opening plan for St. Luke’s. The Sunday service will start up again on June 14th at 9:00 a.m. in the church. You are required to wear a mask and must maintain social distancing. Spacing will be marked off in the pews.

If you plan to attend the Sunday service, you must register by calling the church at 541-476-2493 or email to: That is the primary email address. This will be on a first-come, first-served basis. This is necessary as guidelines dictate limited attendance. Please respond no later than Wednesday This is necessary for planning purposes. Thank you.

We will continue with the above procedures as needed.

The mid-week service will start up Wednesday June 17th at 12:15 p.m. in the chapel.

The service on Sunday, June 21st will be the Mass on the Grass at the park. A separate email with go out with information about this.